Rainbow Fairy Doll
Rainbow fairies are distant relatives of the tooth fairy and the Christmas fairy, but they are a little bit more secretive and only appear when it rains and the sun shines at the same time. You need to look very closely and you will see them dancing In the sky.
• Wonderful embroidered features and a delicate bow with brown hair. Rainbow fairies only wear the most colorful of dresses, bright and colorful fabrics and dancing shoes.
• She is the perfect soft doll for children needing a soothing doll or for those looking for a comforting empathy doll.
• Fairy has a soft body which is great for snuggles. Even better her insides are made from recycled PET fibers, so she is super eco too!
• To make sure that your Fairy is kept squeaky clean, safe and happy please see our packaging for instructions. Ages: 0+ months Height: 11 inches Skin - 100% Organic Cotton Velour Hair and Dress - 100% Organic Single Jersey